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WPC denounces the Coup d’ Etat in Bolivia
The World Peace Council denounces strongly the Coup d’ Etat in Bolivia, sponsored and supported by the US Imperialists, hand in hand with the local oligarchy and their well-known instrument, the Organisation of American States (OAS). The subversive and destabilizing actions carried out after the Elections of 20th October in the country and the actions to divide and hijack the army and police led to the long desired and planned overthrow of the legitimately re-elected President Evo Morales. The orchestrated protests and aggressions of reactionary forces in the city of La Paz, the threats and attacks on politicians, Media and social movements, constitute fascist type of actions. The threats against Embassies such as the ones of Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico are further evidence for the intentions of the Coup. We underline as well the hypocrisy and arbitrary stand of the European Union which actually supported indirectly the Coup by not recognizing the results of the elections held. The WPC condemns the Coup and demands respect to the will expressed by the Bolivian people and calls upon all peace loving people and forces in the world to be alerted for the dangerous developments and threats deriving from this Coup for the whole region. The Coup in Bolivia reminds us of the darkest days in the history of Latin America. We express our solidarity with the Bolivian people to defend their right to decide alone and freely for their destiny and leadership and to become masters of their country and wealth. We call upon members and friends of the WPC to react and condemn, protesting the Coup in all countries. Down with the Coup! Down with Imperialism!
Keine Pause im Friedenskampf
Am 21./22. September 2019 trafen sich die europäischen Mitgliedsorganisationen des Weltfriedensrates in Basel zu einer Koordinationssitzung. Aus Anlass des Internationalen Tag des Friedens wurde eine Resolution verabschiedet, die wir nachstehend dokumentieren. An diesem Internationalen Tag des Friedens bekräftigen die europäischen Mitgliedsorganisationen des Weltfriedensrates, die sich in Basel, Schweiz, versammelt haben, ihr unerschütterliches Engagement im Kampf für den Frieden. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die gegenwärtige internationale Situation von enormen Risiken für den Frieden und die Sicherheit in der Welt gekennzeichnet ist, appellieren wir an alle Völker Europas, dem Kampf für den Frieden mehr Kraft zu verleihen! Die Völker in Europa und auf der ganzen Welt sehen sich mit der […]
Frieden. Gerechtigkeit. Menschenwürde.
70 Jahre Schweizerische Friedensbewegung
Martin Schwander, Frieden. Gerechtigkeit. Menschenwürde. 70 Jahre Schweizerische Friedensbewegung
1949 – 2019, Verlag SFB, Basel 2019. Paperback, 464 Seiten, illustriert. Fr. 28.– plus Porto