Statement of condemnation of the decision of USA against Venezuela
The World Peace Council condemns strongly the decision of the US Attorney General, on behalf of the US administration, to announce criminal charges against the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other high ranking officials with the pretext of their alleged involvement in international drug trafficking. The US General Attorney threatens to designate the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as “a state sponsoring terrorism”. This decision of the US-administration constitutes not only a further escalation in the provocations, coercive measures and interference against a sovereign country, it proves also the cynical and arrogant approach of the USA, which is using the critical times of the pandemic of COVID 19 worldwide, to impose new additional sanctions on the country and its people. The people of Venezuela are already suffering from the sanctions and restrictions imposed by the US imperialists and its allies from EU and the “Lima Group”, which do not allow the country to purchase medicine and other vital products since more than one year. It is the same forces who recognize a self-proclaimed puppet as their “chosen leader” against any legitimacy, logic and international law and it is the same forces which do not allow during the COVID 19 crisis the country to buy and provide technical equipment and health products for the National Health System in the international markets. The new decision of the USA today, acting as the “world sheriff” and announcing millions of US Dollars for the capturing of the legitimate President Nicolas Maduro, officers and ministers of the country has no precedent and are arbitrary and void. The WPC expresses its profound solidarity to the people of Venezuela, to the anti-imperialist peace loving forces in their struggle to defend their sovereign right to choose their leadership and destiny alone and without any foreign interference and to fight back the imperialist aggression, interference and provocations. We call upon all WPC members and friends to strengthen the solidarity actions with the people of Venezuela and to plan for the 19th April, which is the International Day in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, actions in protest of the imperialist threats and actions in solidarity of the Venezuelan people in coordination with our Member Organisation in Venezuela (Committee for International Solidarity and Struggle for Peace-COSI) The WPC Secretariat 26th March 2020 Für eine Übersetzung bitte eine Mail an senden. Wir sind gerne behilflich!
Guterres: Aufruf zu einem Globalen Waffenstillstand
Unsere Welt steht vor einem gemeinsamen Feind: COVID-19. Das Virus macht keinen Unterschied zwischen Nationalität oder ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Gruppierung oder Glauben. Es greift alle an, unerbittlich. Währenddessen wüten bewaffnete Konflikte…
Letter addressed to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, from Belgrade forum for a world of equals
Brief an das Norwegische Nobelpreis Komitee, Absender: Belgrade forum for a world of equals Auf Anfrage an stellen wir gerne eine Übersetzung des Briefes zu.
Iranische Friedensvereinigung verurteilt den provokatorischen US Drohnen-Angriff in Bagdad und ruft zu einem Ende der Spirale der Gewalt auf
Die Ermordung von Qassim Solaimani, dem Kommandeur der Al-Quds-Spezialeinheiten des Korps der Islamischen Revolutionsgarden (IRGC), bei einem Luftangriff auf einen Konvoi von Fahrzeugen im Flughafen von Bagdad am heutigen frühen…
WPC denounces the Coup d’ Etat in Bolivia
The World Peace Council denounces strongly the Coup d’ Etat in Bolivia, sponsored and supported by the US Imperialists, hand in hand with the local oligarchy and their well-known instrument, the Organisation of American States (OAS). The subversive and destabilizing actions carried out after the Elections of 20th October in the country and the actions to divide and hijack the army and police led to the long desired and planned overthrow of the legitimately re-elected President Evo Morales. The orchestrated protests and aggressions of reactionary forces in the city of La Paz, the threats and attacks on politicians, Media and social movements, constitute fascist type of actions. The threats against Embassies such as the ones of Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico are further evidence for the intentions of the Coup. We underline as well the hypocrisy and arbitrary stand of the European Union which actually supported indirectly the Coup by not recognizing the results of the elections held. The WPC condemns the Coup and demands respect to the will expressed by the Bolivian people and calls upon all peace loving people and forces in the world to be alerted for the dangerous developments and threats deriving from this Coup for the whole region. The Coup in Bolivia reminds us of the darkest days in the history of Latin America. We express our solidarity with the Bolivian people to defend their right to decide alone and freely for their destiny and leadership and to become masters of their country and wealth. We call upon members and friends of the WPC to react and condemn, protesting the Coup in all countries. Down with the Coup! Down with Imperialism!